Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Foldables are one of my favorite activities to bring creativity to the learning experience. Foldables are basically different ways to fold paper to create learning tools. Dinah Zike is the queen of foldables and has written numerous books on the topic. I have personally used her Social Studies books and love them. The great thing about foldables is that they can be used in virtually any content area. They are a fun and kinesthetic way for children to learn. I have used them for vocabulary, comparing and contrasting, question stems, hierarchies, timelines... the applications are endless.

Here are some Foldable Resources:

Video of Dinah Explaining the History of Foldables:


Video of Dinah Explaining Some of the Basic Folds:

PDF of A Foldable Book by Dinah Zike  
This is a great place to start if you've never used foldables before

More Foldable Instructions
This site is another useful resource on using folables

Sample Foldables:

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